To address the future of the Church, we have launched the Called to Renew campaign along with every parish in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. St. Bernard Parish services and ministry programs serve hundreds, if not thousands of people each year-including you. However, with our ongoing growth comes the need to elevate and maintain our parish. Our campaign goal is $530,000 of which 50% (or $265,000) will go directly to our parish needs. Additionally, we will receive 100% of all funds raised over goal. We will use our share of the funds to support the ever-growing needs of our parish. Called to Renew will enable St. Bernard Parish to complete the vision set forth by past generations, while ensuring our Church's presence in the lives of our future generations.

Our Parish Goal
Pledged over 5 years to the Called to Renew campaign

Stay in our Parish to renovate and strengthen ministries
We Have a Mission
Together, we recognize a great need in our cities and communities to renew the light of Christ - a light meant for all people. Together, we invest in hope for the future. Together, we proclaim that the Church is worth renewing. Together, we joyfully acknowledge that we are Called to Renew.
Our Plan for the Future
Over the next several years our parish will partner with the nearly 300 other Catholic faith communities in our Archdiocese to bring about renewal by investing in the following key areas:
Conserving energy by becoming a green parish is important to our community. With Called to Renew funds, we plan to install a 63.3 kw solar system on the school and interconnected parish hall electric meter. The system is projected to save $18,588 in the first year and pay itself back in 9.2 years. Our goal is to expand the system across different buildings on our campus in the future.
Sanctuary and
Church Renovations
We are often asked if our sanctuary is under renovation and the reason is, it seems incomplete or simple. The altar is the focal point when we gather inside the church and spiritually the center of our lives. With Called to Renew funds, we will renovate our sanctuary and church by improving the building materials in the Sacristy and Altar, updating furniture, extending the AC/Heat into sacristy, replacing the windows in the sacristy and flower room, and replacing plumbing and fixtures in the church restrooms. The proposed renovations will center us towards our Eucharistic Jesus and make us complete as a community.
Parish Center and
Rectory Renovations
Wonderful plans and growth are happening in St. Bernard's Parish; therefore, we plan to maximize the use of the Parish Center with renovations. Our plans include renovating the 1st floor of the rectory to convert it to our Parish Center which will house two new offices and one break room for employees. These renovations will improve the use of space to be used by the Associate Pastor and Office Manager.
Friendship Hall Safety
and Beautification
Friendship Hall is viewed by many parishioners as a pleasant location where most of our church activities, weekly friendship socials, ministry and group meetings and small events including our Sunday Coffee & Donut gatherings are held.
As we prioritize safety and maintenance, we will use Called to Renew funds to install fire protection sprinklers and replace the plumbing.
In addition, we will beautify the hall making it more vibrant by replacing the laminated floor with tile which will be easier to maintain.
Pledges payable over five years will allow donors to consider more substantial commitments than are possible with one time gifts. Donors who pledge may determine payment schedules to meet their own charitable or tax needs. Payments can be made by check, credit card, e-checks, or gifts of stock. If you are able, please include an initial payment with your pledge.
December 2024 Update
Thank you for your contribution to our Called to Renew Campaign!
Amount Pledged
Total Paid
Parish Goal